Set up by Hannah Shaw in January 2015, the Language Café on Newland Avenue provides a relaxed, friendly space for anyone looking to learn a new language.
Hannah lived in France for two years after completing her degree, and was inspired by the concept of language cafés, which are commonplace in Europe. On returning to Hull, Hannah launched her very own version on the Avenues.
The café holds regular meetings every other Wednesday, which are totally free to attend. They welcome people of all nationalities, ages and abilities. With attendees from all over the world who have now made Hull their home, Hannah says it’s a great opportunity to learn from others and make lasting friendships.
Learning a new language can provide many benefits – from enhancing your CV to delaying the effects of dementia. Many of the Language Café members speak about the positive experiences they have had as a result of attending, such as opening up opportunities to travel and being able to converse with friends in other countries.
The Language Café plans to start providing a number of workshops for beginners in 2017 – watch out for details coming soon.