Application Process
We are a film friendly city and here to make the experience for you, and your crew the most straightforward as possible. We do issue film permits for Hull City Council locations. You can use the contact us form to get more information on what information is required. It is useful to know the type of production, size of crew and level of disruption anticipated for the shoot. Our team is on hand should you need advice on road closure notice and processes.
For your reference you can download our guidance on filming in Hull. If you have any specific queries or would like to make an enquiry then please use the contact us page.
Filming in Residential & Commercial Areas
The key to successful filming in Hull’s residential & commercial areas is effective consultation and engagement with its residents and traders who will be impacted by the activity.
It is expected that film makers on location in and around Hull treat residents and traders with courtesy, respect and consideration at all times.
Guidance for filming outside of social hours in residential and commercial areas
Filming outside of social hours especially in residential and commercial areas will need careful planning and consideration. Please refer to our guidance to help making your plans.
Film Permit Agreement Terms and Condition
This outlines our commitment and expectation of filming completed under our permit.
Outline guidance for fees and charges for Hull City Council managed locations.
More popular than ever before, aerial filming in Hull can give a wonderful perspective of the city but must be completed in a safe and managed way. There are various permissions and considerations in order to operate a drone for aerial filming in the City of Hull outlined here.