
Everything You Need To Know About Animal Farm At Hull Truck Theatre

What’s on at Hull Truck this April?

Experience the electrifyingly powerful adaptation of Orwell’s Animal Farm at Hull Truck Theatre, where satire meets horror in a gripping performance. Directed by Iqbal Khan and adapted by Ian Woolridge, this interpretation delivers a powerful narrative.

What is Animal Farm about?

“Animal Farm” is George Orwell’s riveting allegory where farm animals stage a rebellion against their human farmers, aiming to create a utopian society. However, their noble intentions are corrupted by the pigs’ lust for power. This adaptation serves as a timeless cautionary tale.

Who is in Animal Farm?

Polly Lister sets the stage with a captivating speech as Old Major, while Samater Ahmed shines as the optimistic Snowball. Ida Regan’s gender-swapped Napoleon adds a compelling twist, portraying the character’s descent into tyranny with chilling conviction.

Killian Macardle’s Squealer serves as the perfect yet humorous villain which is juxtaposed by Sam Black’s emotionally loyal portrayal of Boxer.

Throughout, the cast masterfully maintains the animalistic essence, blending poignant moments with humorous quirks.

The show is captivating and unique thanks to the staging, direction and performances.

How much are tickets?

Tickets are available starting at £3 for income-related benefits on the Hull Truck website.

When is Animal Farm showing at Hull Truck?

Animal Farm is showing at Hull Truck Theatre until Saturday 13 April 2024.

How long is the performance?

Animal Farm at Hull Truck is approximately 2 hours long including an intermission.