
Community Brand Case Study: Hull Homeless Community Project

To mark 2017, Hull Homeless Community Project, a community project for the homeless and rootless people of Hull, gave its companions disposable cameras in a bid to see the UK city of culture through their eyes.

Capturing the reality of life on the streets, the homeless became artists as they documented the daily struggles of homelessness, alongside their passions and favourite aspects of the city.

A selection of the photographs were recently displayed as part of an exhibition at Bespoke Boutiques on Little Queen Street. From capturing Blade to the harsh realities of life without a home, the pictures told a unique story of the city.

Andrew Smith who founded Hull Homeless Community Project in 2010 explained: “By giving the homeless cameras, it was a way of empowering them and giving them a voice. They could tell their own story, one that people don’t often see, in a visual and captivating way.

“Our aim is to give homeless people opportunities they might otherwise not get. Celebrating their culture and telling their story, this project was a way of getting homeless people involved in an artistic project.

“We’re proud to display the Hull 2017 Community Brand. We’ve been actively keeping our users informed and engaged about Hull 2017 so that they view this year positively rather than a disruption to their way of life. Whether that is telling them about events that may affect their sleeping arrangements to engaging them in artistic opportunities such as this photography project.”

Hull Homeless Community Project proudly displays the Hull 2017 Community brand. Want to join? Sign up here.