The Alderman Sydney Smith Annual Lecture, given by Professor Jean Allain
Slavery’s Twentieth Century Problem: Continuity or Change?
Professor Jean Allain is Professor of International Law at the Wilberforce Institute and Professor of Law at Monash University, Melbourne. His research on the legal definition of slavery has transformed attitudes worldwide. It is no longer seen as a phenomenon of the past but a problem which has direct modern relevance in the way people are being exploited – such as women forced into prostitution, imprisoned domestic staff and field and factory workers. He led a group of global experts in contemporary and historical slavery and property law in developing what became the Bellagio-Harvard Guidelines which have now been established as a benchmark for anti-slavery work around the world.
Tea and coffee is available from 5.15pm
Free admission – all welcome.
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The Wilberforce Institute aims to advance fundamental knowledge of slavery and emancipation, informing policy, business practice and public debate at local, national and international levels. The Wilberforce Institute brings together experts in humanities, law and social sciences to help tackle this global problem head on. Through our research and practice, we give leaders and communities the tools they need to help shape a better future.