Join Paul Schofield, Hull’s Tour Guide of 31 years, on his new “Arcade to Arcade” walks.
Explore Hepworth Arcade and Paragon Arcade and the history in between.
First tour is on Saturday 14th December at 11am starting from Hammond’s (Ferensway entrance).
Second tour is Thursday 19th December at 6pm starting from Hepworth’s Arcade – (Dinsdale’s Joke Shop).
Pay what you can.
The aim is to explore and celebrate the two superb arcades, Paragon and Hepworth’s and the contribution the independent traders are making to the city centre and Old Town. Plenty of interesting facts on the route concerning buildings such as City Hall, Maritime Museum and the Neptune Inn. Also references to the devastation of World War 2 bombing raids. As with all Paul’s walks, there will be some pub and beer anecdotes!
Venue Details