What's On

No So Imaginary Friends

9 Aug - 7 Sep 2018


Family Friendly


A new City Centre art exhibition will showcase a striking collection of surreal and fantastical artworks by Hull based artists Anna Bean and Sam Fowler.

Queens House Showcase on Paragon Street will host their strange and imaginary art for their new show; “Not So Imaginary Friends”.

Featuring painting and photography, Anna and Sam’s work mixes up human and animal imagery with intense colour and pattern to create distinctive and fanciful scenes. Anna works with photography, combining nostalgia and surrealism with dramatic digital collage techniques to produce what some describe as ‘dream-worlds filled with Gothic horror and surreal humour’.

Sam’s work comes from a painterly perspective, using left-field humour and illustration techniques to comment on contemporary life, complete with its’ challenges and delights.

Anna is best known for her work under the name of Bluebeany, featuring anthropo-morphic characters heavily influenced by vintage Star Trek and Doctor Who imagery. Her portraits and images are often filled with recognizable yet unnerving characters.

Sam’s work is rooted in childhood imagery, playing with ideas of etiquette and mischief to produce accessible and often amusing scenes made up of imagery and text.

Anna & Sam are the latest artists to be showcased by Creative ENRG, who support crea-tive enterprise across Hull & East Riding. Since the showcase opened in 2017, Creative ENRG has supported over 50 local creatives to develop their businesses – Queens House Showcase is just one of their many initiatives to support creative enterprise to develop, grow & thrive.

Gill Hobson, Creative Director commented, “We’re delighted to be hosting this new show, which we hope visitors will love. It’s so important that we support and nurture local talent to help us create the vibrant place we want to live and work in.”

“Not So Imaginary Friends” opens to the public on 9 August – 7 September at Queens House Showcase, 44-46 Paragon Street Hull. Opening times: Wed – Fri 11-4pm daily. Free Entry.

Creative ENRG is the specialist enterprise support programme for arts & culture in Hull & East Riding. Creative ENRG is hosted by Goodwin Development Trust and Funded by Arts Council England’s Creative Local Growth Fund and the European Regional Devel-opment Fund.