Set against the backdrop of South London and humming with the energy of iconic Tina Turner hits, Pretty Red Dress follows a family tested to their limit when Travis, fresh out of jail, is found wearing a little red dress by his partner Candice and secretive teenage daughter Kenisha. The family is spun by this startling discovery and the truths it reveals. Dionne Edward’s debut feature is a vibrant, joyous journey of self-discovery.
Featuring Natey Jones, Alexandra Burke, Temilola Olatunbosun
Dir Dionne Edwards | 2022 | UK | 110 mins | 15 | English
Venue Details
All the latest mainstream movies are shown at this state-of-the-art chain cinema with family deals.
Accessible Toilets
Baby Changing
Blue-Badge Parking
Hearing Loop
Level Access
Wheelchair Access