When the Searchers announced the end of their touring years in 2018, they left behind them a legion of devoted fans and supporters who were shocked and saddened that they would no longer be able to enjoy the concerts and the music that over six decades had become such an important part of their lives.
Hull City Hall are happy to announce that The Searchers have decided to return for just one more tour in the Spring of 2023 as a fit and proper way of showing appreciation to all those who gave them a wonderful and successful career.
Their all-evening presentations, so professionally put together and packed with their chart hits and more, have made them a major attraction in theatres across the U.K. Sweets For My Sweet, Needles & Pins, When You Walk In The Room, Goodbye My Love, Don`t Throw Your Love Away, Sugar & Spice, What Have They Done To The Rain. Just a selection of their thirteen entries into the British charts. Songs that are the soundtrack to our lives.
Venue Details
The Hull City Hall holds numerous and varied events ranging from the Classics Orchestral Concert series to pop concerts, comedy, conferences, exhibitions and degree ceremonies.
Assistance Dogs
Level Access
Wheelchair Access