The Winter Show marks the finale of the Studio Eleven celebrations of a decade of creative residence on Humber Street in Hull.
From the Jurassic Coastline to the boulder clay of the Humber Region, the chalk line brings these artists together for The Winter Show.
The exhibition features a selection of contemporary ceramics by Julie Massie, Adele Howitt, Martin Harman and Emma Williams amongst our gallery artists, with paintings by Deborah Grice and Myles Linley.
Venue Details
Studio Eleven is a gallery, studio and workshop space offering specialist studio space for ceramicists and a shared workshop for printmaking. Events include artist talks, workshops, hire of the studio space and a rolling programme of exhibitions. Adele Howitt manages and directs the enterprise, enlisting the support of a voluntary team of artists and potters who use the studio space.
Assistance Dogs
Wheelchair Access