A wickedly dark, extremely funny, fast moving comedy drama about the dating scene, loneliness and an audience participation (but only if you want to) Tamla Motown sing-a-long!
Advance tickets £8.50 Adults: £6.50 seniors, students and unwaged – booking fees apply for tickets purchased online. Tickets on the night £10.50 and £8.50 (although we do advise you purchase advance tickets as we often sell out)
The show is a great way to spend an evening with friends and colleagues and a group discount (advance tickets only) is available. Buy tickets in blocks of six and only pay for five (the cheapest ticket being the free ticket).
From the team that brought you the sell-out smash-hits Chavs – Almost the Musical! and The Dark Place With The Lift
Suitable for adults only due to language and sexual innuendo
Tickets also available from Kardomah 94