Bicycle Thieves tells the story of Antonio, a long unemployed man who finally finds employment putting up cinema posters for which he needs a bicycle. His wife pawns all the family linen to redeem the already pawned bicycle and for Antonio salvation has come, until the bicycle is stolen. Antonio and his son take to the streets in a desperate search to find the bicycle. Bicycle Thieves is as much about the position of Italians in post-War, post-Fascist Italy as the relationship between father and son, told through the labyrinth of the cinematic city with De Sica s arresting visual poetry. Defining neorealism, a small period of filmmaking that focused on simple, humanist stories, Bicycle Thieves was one of the most captivating and moving.
Director: Vittorio De Sica
Certification: U
Cast: Lamberto Maggiorani, Enzo Staiola
Production Year: 1948
Running Time: 93 minutes
Distributor: Arrow Films
Venue Details
Retail Shop, Cafe and Venue selling New and used Vinyl , Books and official band merchandise located